Monday, August 11, 2014

August Pop Up Quiz

In out of the way places or right before your own eyes, there are lots of things going on in our Watershed District that you can miss in a blink of the eye if you aren’t there in the moment or standing by with a camera. So just for fun, try to answer these questions about these recent “happenings.”  Answers below

1. What shrub is Jake Lindeman, Natural Resources intern, watering that just got planted in the new rain gardens installed next to the parking lot at RWMWD this month? 

2.  Where in the District is this?  Bonus: What subwatershed(s) and/or cities in the District drains to this structure?

3.  At which church in the District did this Girl Scout troop finish up the planting of their rain gardens this summer?

4.  Where are these Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) teachers from St. Paul heading off to explore with Water Quality Technicians, Dave Vlasin and Eric Korte?

5.  How many pounds of algae were harvested from Casey Lake in North St. Paul this past month? 

Answers :

1.  Black chokeberry.

The Beltline Interceptor (located at green star)
manages stormwater overflows from almost 20,000 acres
including parts of 11 cities. Click to enlarge.
2.  This is the Beltline Interceptor Pressure Relief Outlet near the DNR's headquarters near Warner Road in St. Paul. This structure serves as an energy dissipater and overflow for the Beltline Interceptor, to reduce hydraulic pressures and increase the capacity of portions of the Beltline. The Beltline Interceptor serves as an outlet for the Phalen Chain of Lakes and its tributary watershed, Beaver Lake and its tributary watershed, and the local watershed of the east side of St. Paul. The primary outlet of the Beltline discharges into the Mississippi River and this secondary outlet discharges into the channel/wetland system that leads to Pigs Eye Lake, a backwater of the Mississippi River.

3. Our Redeeming Love Church in Maplewood off of Hwy 36 and White Bear Ave.

4.  The Battle Creek water quality monitoring station near the underpass for Highway 61.

5.  56,000 pounds!


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